Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series.: Announcements 2024-04-23T16:22:12+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The purpose </strong>of the journal is to publish carefully selected original scientific papers in all areas of Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology.</p> <p><strong>Thematic area: </strong>Publication of materials on scientific issues in all areas of Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series.</p> <p><strong>О</strong><strong>bjectives of the journal</strong><strong>:</strong></p> <p>˗ organization of a platform for an open discussion for the exchange of scientific opinions, proposals and experience, contributing to the improvement of the quality of examination of scientific papers and thesis;</p> <p>˗ providing the domestic and foreign scientific community with the opportunity to publish theoretically and practically significant scientific papers and the results of scientific research for the qualitative development of <strong>Pedagogy. </strong><strong>Psychology. Sociology</strong>;</p> <p>˗ expanding the possibility of distributing and indexing published scientific papers in various main domestic and foreign citation bases.</p> <p>˗ involvement in the professional community and assistance to young researchers in improving the quality of their papers.</p> <p> </p> <p>The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists, practitioners interested in current issues in the field of <strong>Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series</strong>.</p> <p>Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.</p> <p>Frequency: 4 times per year.</p> <p><strong>Open Access Policy.</strong> Journal articles are available to everyone (article archive link based on the principle that free open access to research results contributes to an increase in general knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Archiving.</strong> On-line versions of the scientific journal are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of a fund and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal archives materials in the catalog of the Scientific Library of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and in</p> <p><strong>Publication conditions.</strong> All received by the Editorial Office of the journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University", manuscripts undergo obligatory anonymous (two-sided blind) peer review (see also Article Review Procedure). Based on the received reviews, the editorial board of the journal makes the final decision.</p> Уважаемые авторы! 2024-04-23T16:22:12+00:00 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. <p><strong>Уважаемые авторы!</strong></p> <p>Вестник Евразийского национального университета им. Л. Н. Гумилева. Серия: Педагогика. Психология. Социология объявляет о приеме статей по сериям «П<strong>сихология»</strong> и «<strong>Социология»</strong>.</p> <p>Статьи по серии «П<strong>едагогика»</strong> принимаются <strong>к выпуску №1 2025 года.</strong></p> 2024-04-23T16:22:12+00:00