Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. 2024-04-30T11:53:10+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The purpose </strong>of the journal is to publish carefully selected original scientific papers in all areas of Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology.</p> <p><strong>Thematic area: </strong>Publication of materials on scientific issues in all areas of Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series.</p> <p><strong>О</strong><strong>bjectives of the journal</strong><strong>:</strong></p> <p>˗ organization of a platform for an open discussion for the exchange of scientific opinions, proposals and experience, contributing to the improvement of the quality of examination of scientific papers and thesis;</p> <p>˗ providing the domestic and foreign scientific community with the opportunity to publish theoretically and practically significant scientific papers and the results of scientific research for the qualitative development of <strong>Pedagogy. </strong><strong>Psychology. Sociology</strong>;</p> <p>˗ expanding the possibility of distributing and indexing published scientific papers in various main domestic and foreign citation bases.</p> <p>˗ involvement in the professional community and assistance to young researchers in improving the quality of their papers.</p> <p> </p> <p>The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists, practitioners interested in current issues in the field of <strong>Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series</strong>.</p> <p>Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.</p> <p>Frequency: 4 times per year.</p> <p><strong>Open Access Policy.</strong> Journal articles are available to everyone (article archive link based on the principle that free open access to research results contributes to an increase in general knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Archiving.</strong> On-line versions of the scientific journal are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of a fund and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal archives materials in the catalog of the Scientific Library of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and in</p> <p><strong>Publication conditions.</strong> All received by the Editorial Office of the journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University", manuscripts undergo obligatory anonymous (two-sided blind) peer review (see also Article Review Procedure). Based on the received reviews, the editorial board of the journal makes the final decision.</p> Methodology for improving the reading literacy of students in the framework of the international PISA study 2024-01-15T05:19:30+00:00 A.Z. Iskakova S.A. Sultanbekova <p>This article is about one of the main areas of the PISA international study reading literacy. The principles of reading literacy, its aspects of assessment (format of the material, type of tasks, purpose of using the text), peculiarities of the reading literacy task, kinds and rules of reading are comprehensively explained. The components of reading literacy - situation, text, aspect are discussed in the work. We get information about categories of situations (reading for personal use, reading for public use, reading for knowledge and reading for teaching), text forms and types, aspect areas (Finding information. Broad comprehension. Developing interpretation. Showing and evaluating the content of the text. Display the text form). The author focuses on the concepts of "interpretation" and "hermeneutics", which are used to interpret the text.</p> <p>Asking questions correctly, understanding their content and answering according to the requirements is very essential in the learning and teaching process. We can find information regarding of those questions’ classification in the article.</p> <p>We make sure that the choice of resources and text, and the transformation of the task has their own meaning in stimulating the readers' interest in reading.</p> <p>At the same time, the article provides features of the methodology of teaching reading to students, effective methods of improving reading literacy. Examples from the researches of scientists are given and practices are guided. The author offers methods of reading and describes the technique of conducting them perfectly. The main idea of ​​the theories of native, Russian and foreign researchers is discussed.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Тhe concept essense of "patriotic culture" 2023-12-14T04:41:53+00:00 A.T. Kairova K.Zh. Turebayeva <p>In this article, the idea is formulated by studying the works of scholars and philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical analysis of various concepts in determining the essence of the concept of "patriotic culture". In the research work, based on the works of scholars the concept of "patriotic culture" can be considered as a multifaceted concept in the modern world. This concept is formed in the consciousness of mankind as the highest level of love through civic duty, preservation of national unity, a sense of responsibility for one's people, country, understanding of history, culture and native language. Human consciousness develops through a system of spiritual values, so it is necessary to form a patriotic culture among the younger generation. That is why now, in the transition to spirituality, patriotic culture is becoming relevant and socio-cultural significant at the state level. The patriotism inherent in the younger generation will gradually be filled with ideological, civic content and will become not only a moral, but also a moral and political quality. The only reason why an independent country occupies a worthy place in the global civilization - this is a patriotic culture. Attention was drawn to the concept of patriotic culture, as well as scientifically analyzed and studied from a theoretical and practical point of view in order to determine its full essence. Human in its spiritual development can become a patriot when he/she absorbs ideas, feelings of patriotism and consciously turns them into a spiritual need. Therefore, in order to form a patriotic culture that occupies a place in his/her spiritual world, it is necessary to define the essence of the concept of "patriotic culture". And this concept is based on culture. Culture is a set of spiritual and material values created and performed in the process of creative activity of mankind, reflecting the achieved stage in the historical development of society. </p> 2023-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Key competencies of a teacher in the era of digitalization of education 2023-12-12T10:12:11+00:00 V.V. Semenikhin S.F. Semenikhina <p>This article is devoted to the study of the digitalization of education in Kazakhstan, the stages of its development, the main trends and the evaluation of its effectiveness on the basis of higher professional education.</p> <p>The study aims to provide a theoretical basis for the state of digitalization in higher professional education in Kazakhstan, evaluate its current effectiveness, and determine a path for future development.</p> <p>The article analyzes the formation of the stages of computerization, informatization, automation and digitalization of society, as well as the information and educational technologies and IT resources used by teachers of two faculties (natural science and technical) in the educational process of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov. It also discusses the preferences for the use of digital transformation in education.</p> <p>Our analysis of scientific sources on the digitalization of education presented and revealed the main trends, risks, advantages, imperfections and pitfalls of the digitalization of vocational training.</p> <p>The article discusses how teachers and students organised their work during the post-pandemic period when using the skills of online education and applying the achievements of digitalization of the educational process.</p> <p>The digitalization of education significantly changes the requirements for teachers. Teachers must master modern technologies, be able to use them effectively in the educational process and possess the key skills necessary to fulfill their professional duties.</p> <p>The results of a study of the attitude of teachers and students of the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering to digital transformation and the use of information and communication technologies are presented and the main indicators are identified, the trends in the use of modern digital technologies. The results obtained allow us to determine the main problems of education at the present stage.</p> <p>The main problems of digitalization of higher professional education in Kazakhstan are indicated. The attitude of teachers of Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering to the digital transformation of education, the formation of digital competencies and the attitude to restrictions and risks in the transition to the digitalization of education is shown. The main prospects for continuing research on the use of digitalization in education are outlined.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Pedagogical approaches to the initiation of a creative learning environment in primary school 2023-12-12T05:04:43+00:00 A.B. Alsitova U.Zh. Tuyakova M.K. Zhazykova <p>According to modern research, the problems of developing creativity and creating a creative learning environment (CLE) are multidimensional phenomena, and are considered in combination with different pedagogical approaches.</p> <p>The purpose of the study was to analyze pedagogical approaches to the creation of CLE aimed at developing the creativity of younger schoolchildren.</p> <p>The article presents the results of a scientific review and theoretical analysis of pedagogical approaches and methods of creating a CLE. Based on the provisions of the system approach, the structure of the CLE is determined: a favorable atmosphere that stimulates the creative activity of students; fund of problematic tasks that contribute to the freedom of action of participants; the personality of the teacher who stimulates and directs the process; various types of activities, contributing to a creative approach to solving educational tasks. The provisions of pedagogical approaches (Systemic, Activity-based, Personality-oriented, Environmental) aimed at the development of creativity are substantiated.</p> <p>The theoretical significance of the study: the analysis of approaches to the development of creativity in the CLE is carried out; an addition to the traditional pedagogical approaches is proposed to their content, aimed at the development of creativity (methods and technologies).</p> <p>We associate the prospects for further research with the development of a model of a CLE aimed at developing students' creativity.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Issues of teachers’ preparedness to support learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder in schools of Kazakhstan 2024-02-16T09:14:20+00:00 L.K. Kosherbayeva S.K. Ismagulova L.K. Kozhageldiyeva N.S. Akhtayeva Yolanda Pena-Boquete <p>Ensuring access to education is a priority of any country, including Kazakhstan, where in recent years’ emphasis has been placed on the development of inclusive education. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current practice of providing pedagogical support by teachers of inclusive classes in general education to children with ASD. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions was developed. Using a random sampling method, 85 teachers from 5 regions of the country took part in the survey (two megacities - Astana and Shymkent, as well as three regions - Akmola, Almaty and Aktobe). Results: The most of participants are between the ages of 31 and 60 and more than half of them 56.5%, have work experience of 10 years or more. The largest part of the interviewed teachers 44.7%, have the experience of working with SEN children 5 years or more. 56.5%, took short-term courses on inclusive education. It was identified the insufficient readiness of the country's teachers to implement inclusive practice, to fully perform their functions in the work of the service of psychological and pedagogical support of the ASD child. Conclusion: Based on these findings, we can conclude that the vast majority of teachers in the country feel the need for methodological support and advanced training in teaching and supporting children with behavioral difficulties, communication and social interaction disorders, in other words, signs of autistic disorders.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Theoretical foundations of the development of cognitive activity and self-education of students in the process of studying at a music institution 2024-03-05T06:37:38+00:00 K.M. Tulenbayeva M.O. Iskakova P.B. Seytkazy А.А. Lekerova <p>The article is aimed at examining the development of cognitive activity and self-education of students of a higher educational institution with a musical orientation of training, traditional performance art with accordion accompaniment, in particular. The observation of these concepts is preceded by an analysis of the opinions of researchers who have studied a similar issue from variety of aspects. The work provides a vast range of expert views on similar notions and individual aspects of their analysis.</p> <p>First and foremost, the theme of self-education of students is reviewed from the standpoint of determining an active development of individuality by means of autodidactic processes, which is widely considered and explored as a science of self-education in research community. In the frames of this concept, the given topic of self-education and development of cognitive activity among music students is discussed from the perspective of artistic and creative self-development. Creativity is presented as a core of self-education.</p> <p>In addition, the article captures fundamental constituents of developing cognitive activity and self-education of students, such as components of motivational-value, personal activity, and personal development. Additional attention is paid to their criteria, indicators and electivity in the given research with justifications.</p> <p>In the studying of personal development component, two directions of evolution of student abilities are defined: artistic-communicative and artistic-creative elements as basis of learning students’ self-development.</p> <p>The authors characterise stages of independent creative work of music students as example of music-making (activates development of musical ear and author’s own performance on a musical instrument), reading from a music sheet and transposing music (activates musical and intellectual resources, helps in solving auditory, motor-technical and artistic-imaginative tasks), as well as conceptual learning of musical material.</p> <p>The authors also pay attention to the professionalism of the teacher in the development of the aforementioned concepts.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. The activity of a social pedagogue in modern education in Kazakhstan 2023-12-14T04:17:55+00:00 K.I. Zhumazhanova G.K. Dlimbetova G.Zh. Fakhrutdinova S.U. Abenova <p>This article examines the work of a social pedagogue of educational institution and the problems that are most relevant and subject to consideration in modern society. The main content of socio-pedagogical activity at school is revealed. A number of works of scientists from Kazakhstan and abroad in this area have been studied. The analysis of the research work on the content of the activity of a social teacher at school is given. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that basically the work of a social pedagogue is reduced to various reports and other paperwork. Therefore, due to such a heavy workload, a social teacher is not able to provide targeted assistance to students in need of social and pedagogical support. The authors of the article have developed modern types of work with students in the form of recommendations, which can give results in the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance. The main aspects of the pedagogical activity of a social pedagogue with schoolchildren are revealed. The problems that require the participation of a competent specialist in the protection of a children’s rights are highlighted. According to the authors, an important point is the interaction of a social pedagogue with school teachers, with classroom teachers and especially with parents.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Principles of implementing linguodidactic approaches in the pre-professional level students' terminological vocabulary formation 2024-01-22T11:53:53+00:00 A.T. Yessengeldinova M.L. Anafinova S.A. Sultanbekova <p>The phased transition to trilingual education in secondary schools in Kazakhstan led to the need to undertake professionally oriented foreign language teaching, as well as updating curricula and learning materials through the integration of subject content with language learning. The effectiveness of studying comprehensive subjects depends on proficiency in subject-specific target terminology. The article mainly focuses on the principles of implementing linguodidactic approaches in the pre-professional level learners` specialized vocabulary formation, providing insights for teachers according to terminology teaching. This paper presents a short theoretical overview and practical research observations in the field of specialized vocabulary instruction to students. The purpose of the study is to identify an effective implementation practice of linguodidactic approaches in the content of specific lexical acquisition by pre-professional level students of the comprehensive subjects (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, IT/ Computer Science) taught in English. The study uses methods of observation, monitoring, and comparative analysis, as well as literary analysis of secondary education and its pre-professional level requirements in Kazakhstan and ESP methodology of teaching. The article formulates methodological recommendations for effective pre-professional classroom management as an efficient realization of linguodidactic approaches in terminological vocabulary teaching in the target (English) language.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Digital literacy of future teachers-psychologists 2023-11-17T10:50:46+00:00 Т. Khassenkyzy А.S. Аkramova <p>Digital technologies expand the boundaries of access to education in the education system, on the basis of which virtual laboratories, video lectures, online courses are created, mobile electronic educational resources are actively used. The article discusses the importance of digital literacy as an employee of the field of education, as well as teachers-psychologists. In particular, the digital literacy of a teacher-psychologist is socio-psychological support and optimal adaptation of the younger generation, which allows effective pedagogical and psychological support not only through personal communication, but also through digital communication. The study described five main levels of digital literacy - information literacy, computer literacy, media literacy, communication literacy, innovation and literacy in the implementation of technological changes. In the course of the research work, an analysis of the concept of digital literacy in the scientific literature was carried out, a review of the history of this problem and the works of domestic and foreign scientists who examined it was conducted. It is also considered how a future educational psychologist can use digital literacy in their activities. During the research work at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, surveys were conducted to identify the digital literacy of 4th-year students studying in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" and their results were analyzed. In the course of the study, in order to improve the digital literacy of future teachers-psychologists, a practical platform "digital development platform" worked. The experimental period of the study was conducted in May and September, the results of the survey for two months were compared and the intermediate dynamics were determined. The successful results of the "Digital Development Platform" were taken into account and other ways of improving the digital literacy of future teachers-psychologists were considered.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Application of a blended learning approach in teaching students foreign language 2024-02-16T11:30:37+00:00 N.B. Mukhambetalina L.E. Dalbergenova A.M. Essengalieva E.N. Pristupa <p>This article deals with the problem of foreign language blended learning in higher educational institutions. Technological progress, the development of educational innovative forms requires the introduction of blended learning technology in educational institutions. The article notes the relevance of using digital educational resources and online platforms in the educational process. The combination of electronic resources and traditional methods contributes to the individualization of education, the formation of skills for independent students’ activity, the achievement of higher learning outcomes which contributes to an increase in competitive specialists in the labor market. The authors identified the main advantages and disadvantages of the blended learning technology for a foreign language based on the study. This study shows that blended learning is a preferred mode of learning over e-learning or distance learning and offers many advantages for learners, teachers and educational institutions.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Analysis of the level of environmental competence of biology teachers in the North Kazakhstan region 2023-12-14T04:30:42+00:00 P.S. Dmitriyev S.O. Tazhibayeva I.A. Fomin iafomin@mail.ry S.M. Ismagulova <p>The article presents an analysis of the level of environmental competence of biology teachers in the North Kazakhstan region. The relevance of the research is due to the need to form the environmental competence of teachers in order to achieve sustainable development of society and the economy in education and the transfer of environmental knowledge. The method used was a sociological survey using an Internet resource on the Google platform. As a result of the study, data were obtained that most teachers need to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ecology, since this integrative indicator characterizing teachers is considered as a separate component of their professional activity.</p> <p>In turn, it influences the transfer of acquired environmental competencies to students through the implementation of educational activities during biology training. Environmental education should become a universal part of education, first of all, so that every teacher has environmental competence in the face of growing demand for natural resources, taking into account the careful attitude and transfer of clean air, genetic biodiversity and soil fertility to future generations.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Motivation as a tool for attracting young university teachers to innovative activities 2024-03-07T04:59:41+00:00 R.E. Kussainova N.S. Kassymbekova A.B. Kaliyeva <p>Modern education requires constant innovation to improve its quality. However, young academic teachers may have difficulties in adopting and implementing innovative approaches in their teaching practice. The research is aimed at studying motivational factors that can stimulate young teachers to actively participate in innovative activities. The novelty of the study lies in the combination of data on the motivation of teachers and their preferences in the use of technology in education, which can become the basis for the development of effective strategies for motivating and supporting teachers in their innovative activities. The study consisted of two parts – a questionnaire to determine the main motivational factors, and an interview for a deeper understanding of the opinions and experiences of participants. It was established that the main motivational factors are material incentives and communication within the teaching community, recognition and support from colleagues and management, as well as good atmosphere in the team. Least of all, the participants are motivated by an internal desire for innovation and professional awards. At the same time, respondents give more preference to mixed learning methods in their activities, less to interactive learning using VR and AR technologies. Thus, developing internal motivation is recommended, as is encouraging enthusiasm for introducing new technologies in the educational process.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. The application of acting techniques in the conditions of formal education as a part of the creative potential of a future primary school teacher 2024-03-11T09:52:49+00:00 A.V. Lyuft A.S. Akpayeva J.Z. Shnaider <p>This article examines the influence of art and creativity in the process of formal education among undergraduate students of primary education. The use of creative techniques can be the key, which is necessary in the learning process to create conditions for organizing joint teaching activities of the teacher and independent work of students during formal education. The result can be in stimulating creative work, increasing students’ self-esteem and self-awareness, and gaining individuality. Traditional forms of teaching, including lectures and PowerPoint presentations, are no longer sufficient to adequately engage the younger generation in the digital age. So teachers need teaching methods that can engage students in real group settings and simultaneously be tested and approved.</p> <p>The subject of creativity in this study is acting techniques developed by teachers, directors of theatrical work, such as Stanislavsky K.S., Strasberg L., and Chekhov M.A., whose techniques were subjected to our study in the article. The techniques were studied, processed and applied within the framework of the discipline “Children’s Literature with a Workshop on Expressive Reading” in the context of formal education. To conduct research within the framework of the above discipline, practical tasks and SIW based on acting techniques were developed. The problems that students have encountered or will face when they begin to conduct pedagogical activities are indicated. Conclusions and ways of solving problems on the way of becoming future primary school teachers are proposed.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Features of development of modern teachers’ cultural competence 2024-03-05T06:36:34+00:00 G.K. Sholpankulova E.A. Sultanova <p>The article examines the prerequisites for the development of professional culture, competence and cultural competence of teachers. The most important condition for the development of the teachers’ cultural competence is continuous education based on a cultural approach. The implementation of the educational tasks of life-long education should be oriented towards a cultural basis. Today the growth of cultural and linguistic diversity in the academic environment requires the development of the level of teachers’cultural competence.</p> <p>The significant changes in Kazakhstan's education system are directly related to global trends. Critical thinking, analysis and synthesis, the ability to optimally solve problems, stress tolerance, and professional flexibility are identified as the main skills in demand in the labor market. Competence is realized through interiorization, inculturation and socialization with an exchange for the paradigm of education of the "man of culture". While the humanistic nature of the competence principle makes it possible to create a mechanism for the optimal solution of the issues that have arisen, the humanizing potential of the cultural approach depends on the difficulties of the activity direction.</p> <p>The categories of "pedagogical culture and professional competence" as components of the main topic are deeply analyzed in the course of the study. A detailed review of the scientific literature is made. The article presents the results of surveys and questionnaires among teachers and students, and controls professional activities. Comprehensive monitoring of reflexive analyses and relevant documents contributed to the drawing of specific conclusions of the work.</p> <p>"Cultural competence" refers to the totality of cultural knowledge, skills and methods of implementing tasks, the ability to determine the productivity of socio-professional activities. As a result of the scientific research, the authors concluded that one of the ways to develop cultural competence is to improve the skills of teachers.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Scientific and methodological foundations of long-term training of highly qualified women and girls freestyle wrestlers 2024-03-11T08:50:52+00:00 A.A. Primbetov <p>This article delves into the scientific and methodological underpinnings of the long-term training process for highly qualified women and girls in the realm of freestyle wrestling. Focusing on the unique physiological and psychological aspects of female athletes, the research explores effective training methodologies, periodization strategies, and psychological support systems essential for nurturing elite-level performance. Drawing from the intersection of sports science and gender-specific training, the article provides insights into optimizing long-term athlete development pathways for female freestyle wrestlers. By elucidating the scientific foundations, this work aims to contribute to the advancement of coaching practices and athlete preparation in women's freestyle wrestling.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Problems of managing courses design for technical majors at the university 2024-01-26T09:11:21+00:00 R.M. Nesmeyanova M.A. Yelubay A.S. Oraltayeva S.Yu. Kovtareva E.E. Kopishev <p>The article deals with the issue of course design management for university students of technical majors. The issue is related to the frequent notion that students do not come to the defense of their course projects on time.</p> <p>Similarly, to other types of independent student work, working on a course project develops creative thinking, teaches students how to solve professional problems, prepares them to preplan work and be responsible for the quality of its implementation. A violation of the work schedule and/or inability to independently complete a task accordingly is regularly observed in courses for various reasons.</p> <p>However, this problem indicates the under development of students' skills, such as responsibility, adaptability, independence, the ability to learn new things and find solutions in non-standard circumstances, precisely those skills that employers often find the most important. The article identifies several reasons for the mentioned problem, but the main attention is paid to planning students work, both from the instructor’s and students’ perspectives. In order to plan and control students’ time, it is proposed to apply principles of the critical chain method, which has proven its effectiveness in industry and can be useful in planning the independent work of students. Using the example of a hypothetical course project, the average distribution of curriculum time needed for solving the tasks related to the course project is shown. The time set in the curriculum is determined by the critical chain method as sufficient for working on a project. Careful planning of students' own work can allow them to complete a course project in a much shorter period of time, which eliminates the disruption of project defense deadlines.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Causes of conflicts between teachers and school administrators in schools according to the teachers’ pеrspective 2024-03-19T05:00:33+00:00 A.М. Mukazhanova K.M. Nagymzhanova <p>Conflict is a condition that defines a social life. Conflicts and disagreements can arise as a result of differences in values, beliefs, personalities, goals and perceptions of individuals. In an educational organization it is common to have conflicts between teachers and administrators for various reasons. However, it is essential for both parties to cooperate, interact and work together in order to prevent or resolve conflict situations that have arisen.</p> <p>The purpose of the study is to try to determine the causes of conflicts between teachers and school administrators according to the teachers' perceptions. The participants of the research consisted of 30 schools from the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan, including Kazakh, Russian and Kazakh-Russian mixed schools all over the city, and 432 teachers who worked in these schools during the academic year 2019-2020. The data were collected using “Personal Information Form” and the “Reasons of Conflict Questionnaire”. The arithmetic means and standard deviation of the organizational conflict questionnaire determined the results of the study. The results of the study revealed, according to the teachers’ perspective the items that “mostly” causes conflicts in schools are the following: “Too much paperwork”, “The administrator keeps teachers under constant and tight control”, “The administrator interferences in teacher's private life”, “The administrator punishes failure rather than rewarding success”, “Differences in perception”, “The administrator is too distant from teachers”, “The administrator pretends to consult teachers when he/she makes the decision”, “The administrator looks down on teachers”, “The administrator neglects his/her responsibilities due to professional incompetence”, “The administrator’s favoritism policy”, “The parties have different views on the management methods”, “The administrator trusts only close people to him/her at school”, “The administrator always uses only written communication type”. As a result, it was concluded that Ust-Kamenogorsk has an unsatisfactory school environment which must be eliminated.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Theoretical programs for the development of teaching activities of college teachers 2024-04-05T11:35:58+00:00 N.M. Karipzhanova G.T. Ayupova Y. Gelisli <p>The article considers the fact that the requirements for education in the college depend on the teacher's implementation of the educational process, i.e. pedagogical activity. Not the implementation of the pedagogical activity of college students through theoretical research methods, but its improvement is set as an urgent task. Improvement of pedagogical activity is based on interdependence and harmony of continuous personal development and professional development of the college teacher. Based on an analysis of the literature, especially the work of domestic researchers, the determinants of continuous personal development and professional development of a college teacher are identified. In this regard, a number of components are considered, such as the sphere of value-motivational orientation, self-awareness, social-psychological qualities, professional-psychological health, the level of professional education, and pedagogical organizational features of the college teacher.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Assessing the competence of students of specialized (music, sports, art) schools within the framework of the formation of natural science literacy 2024-02-23T07:33:56+00:00 Sh.Sh. Khamzina A.B. Seisova M.T. Khassenova М.Т. Suleimenova <p><strong><em> </em></strong>The change of scientific paradigms requires the participants of the scientific and pedagogical process to actively search for ways to solve important pedagogical tasks. The study presents an analysis of the situation of the development of functional literacy of students in chemistry lessons within the framework of a shortened training program. At the same time, in relation to the subject of chemistry, the problem of the development of natural science literacy is considered in detail.</p> <p>In the course of the study, the scientific works of foreign and Kazakhstani scientists on the designated problem were studied, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn about the need to use the potential of the activity methodology. This need is dictated by the observed transformation of the system of education and upbringing of the Republic of Kazakhstan. </p> <p>We are convinced that the development of this problem is relevant for solving the issue of scientific substantiation of the development of functional literacy of students, which is the key to the readiness of the individual to live in a changing reality. Functional literacy is stated as an important component of the basic competencies of the individual. Improving the level of functional literacy is one of the key tasks of the system of general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.</p> <p>The analysis of the content of normative documents regulating the system of general secondary education in terms of ensuring the results of training for the development of functional literacy in terms of its component of natural science literacy in chemistry lessons within the framework of a shortened training program makes it possible to determine the main trends in the planning of the educational process in this direction.</p> <p>Along with this, the important methodological problem of finding ways and means of assessing the development of natural science competence of students in chemistry lessons is being solved.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Digital education in Kazakhstani teacher training system 2024-02-23T10:18:28+00:00 A.A. Konvisar V.V. Bezhina M.R. Mukanov <p>This article discloses the technology acceptance model (TAM - Technology acceptance model) in the aspect of digital technologies in higher education. The authors present a study of the motivational sphere of technology application by the educators of the higher institutions.</p> <p>The article presents the intermediate and final results of the participation of teachers in the motivational courses of the Coursera platform. The main results obtained in the course of the study indicate an insufficient level of motivation for the use of digital educational technologies in higher education. The application of technology is fragmented. Active participation in international courses increases certain aspects of the motivation for using digital educational technologies due to direct participation in them.</p> <p>The key findings of the research included the following aspects: Coursera platform could serve as a catalyst for transitioning from traditional education to a blended teaching format in higher education institutions; modifying syllabi to incorporate new digital topics has yielded tangible outcomes in the research; the technology acceptance model (TAM) effectively evaluates the level of motivation among higher education educators to utilize digital tools.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Sociocultural Aspects of Identification of Student Youth of Modern Kazakhstan 2023-10-13T05:22:58+00:00 Sholpan Zharkynbekova B.Н. Galiуeva G.K. Ayupova <p>The article is devoted to the problem of studying identity as an interdisciplinary category. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the phenomenon of identity allowed to substantiate it as a key concept of many interdisciplinary concepts, to reveal the structure of identity and the spheres of its manifestation. The relevance of youth themes in terms of studying the process of identification of young people in various aspects (educational, professional, ethnic, social, etc.) is substantiated. The authors focus on the fact that in modern conditions the problem of youth adaptation to the new social reality is one of the key aspects of the state policy of the society. The empirical research carried out within the framework of the study has made it possible to explain the mechanisms of formation of Kazakhstani student youth and determine their value categories. The authors present the results of questionnaire survey among students of Kazakhstani universities, based on the tested methodology of M. Kuhn and T. McPartland, T. Rumyantseva with the application of their own adjustments. The answers received during the study have been analyzed from several points of view: available life experience, from the point of view of manifestation of reflection in the answers, concerning the relation of social roles and individual characteristics in identity, concerning the representation in identity of different spheres of life, in the psychological aspect, etc. The typical definitions of the identity of the student youth of Kazakhstan, which allowed to determine the dominant characteristics due to the life activities of young people.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Professional values of a social worker 2023-10-23T10:02:21+00:00 S.S. Nurlanova <p>The study of professional values of a social worker is currently one of the topical problems. In the article qualitative analysis of foreign literature of XX-XXI centuries is carried out for comparative analysis of features of professional values of a social worker and its differences from personal values, nature of professional values, responsibility and accountability, value orientations of a social worker. The development of social-emotional skills of social workers, assimilation and strengthening of necessary ethical, aesthetic and emotional values are among the most important activities in this field. This study revealed the following: special importance is given to the formation of desired behavioral, personal, and professional values in accordance with professional standards of social work experience; to date, scientific works in the field of studying and understanding the emotional component and values of a social worker are insufficient; studies of social workers' values are divided into two categories: studies related to the values of social workers and social workers' socialization with the profession of social work. The purpose of this paper is to study the scientific literature to determine the roles and values adopted by social work professionals. The object of the study is a set of professional values of a social worker.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Kazakhstan: status and prospects of development 2024-02-20T10:07:54+00:00 K.A. Mukhambetova S. Koziej D.O. Dosmurzayeva I.S. Mukhambetova <p>The Commissioner for human rights or the ombudsman is the most important figure in a complex multi-level system of observance and protection of human rights. Each state undertakes to protect human rights and creates appropriate legislation and institutional structures for this, including national human rights institutions. Traditionally, national human rights institutions are defined as state structures for the promotion and protection of human rights.</p> <p>The activity of the institution of the Commissioner for human rights as an individual model of a national human rights institution is based on the norms established by the Paris Principles of 1993. The Paris Principles became the document that installed standards for the work of national human rights institutions, taking into account their diversity.</p> <p>The Republic of Kazakhstan has joined the majority of international treaties dealing with human rights issues. An important step in implementing the obligations under these agreements was the establishment of the institution of the Commissioner for human rights or ombudsman in 2002. The Ombudsman is an official with the authority to monitor the observance of human rights and freedoms and restore them within his competence. His activities complement the current system of state protection of human rights and freedoms.</p> <p>This article examines the features of the institution of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analyzes its compliance with international standards, and determines the directions of its further development. The authors used both general scientific and sociological research methods, in particular, document analysis and expert survey. The purpose of this work is to study the social institution of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Kazakhstan, to determine the features and prospects of its activities. The research used scientific publications, official reports of international experts, national reports, reviews of international organizations whose activities are aimed at the realization and protection of human rights.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. The influence of modern Kazakhstani media on various social groups 2024-03-11T08:03:36+00:00 A.B Yessilov B.A. Adamidenova <p>The article describes the role of modern Kazakhstani media in establishing social standards of behavior, communication and activity, which directly affect the process of socialization. The article analyzes the activities of channels performing news, cultural and educational functions.</p> <p>It is noted that nowadays the most popular among viewers of different ages are author’s channels whose content consist of presentation the beauty, kindness, and give the reason to lift audience`s mood by humor. This is followed by channels that cover current news and problems of ordinary Kazakhstani citizens.</p> <p>Also popular are channels whose content contains legal and medical advice, online consultations with specialists, as well as online learning of the Kazakh language from ordinary people who present their content in a simple and accessible way.</p> <p>The development of information technology has a direct impact on changes in public consciousness. The formation of collective thinking is part of global processes that are greatly influenced by the development of social networks, the Internet, and therefore the formation and discovery of new media. The formation of the concept of “influencer” is one of the aspects of influence on society and the development of the media structure as a whole. An analysis of this phenomenon is also carried out in the work.</p> <p>It has been established that the greatest influence on society today is the author’s channels, each with its own individual content.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Identification of the state of the environment of the urban ecosystem of the city of Petropavlovsk on the basis of a sociological survey 2024-02-22T09:46:32+00:00 P.S. Dmitriev I.O. Gakh I.A. Fomin <p>The article presents the results of the research aimed at identifying the state of the environment in the urban ecosystem of the city of Petropavlovsk based on a sociological survey. The study was conducted using the method of a sociological survey conducted among residents of the city on the Google Forms platform. The main purpose of this study was to identify the current environmental problems faced by residents of the urban environment of Petropavlovsk. The analysis of the data obtained as a result of the survey revealed that environmental issues occupy an important place in the consciousness and daily life of citizens. More than 90% of respondents expressed concern about the current ecological state of the city. Their responses were dominated by negative characteristics indicating the presence of obvious and pronounced environmental problems in the urban environment of Petropavlovsk. This indicates that residents perceive the environmental problem as urgent and requiring immediate intervention. Within the framework of the conducted research, some problems of urban planning were also identified, which directly affect the ecological state of the city. These results indicate the need for more careful planning and management of urban infrastructure, taking into account the environmental aspect. The analysis of these data highlights the importance of developing and implementing environmentally sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life in the city of Petropavlovsk.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Performance of regional public council in Kazakhstan 2024-02-19T05:16:37+00:00 G.A. Makulbayeva Zh.Zh. Davletbayeva M.M. Dyussenov Zh. Amangeldy <p>Public councils of Kazakhstan create an institutional framework for involving the public in the decision-making process within the framework of the “Hearing State” concept. This article examines the activities of regional public councils and the features of interaction of this advisory body with state and quasi-state bodies. This article reveals the main features of the international public councils. It also discusses the solution of social problems by public councils of Kazakhstan and based on in-depth interviews with members of oblast councils, the article demonstrates the main factors contributing to the solution of social problems by council members. These factors include the availability of financial and human resources, the competence of council members, the role of the akimat and maslikhat, as well as the role of individuals, such as chairmen and members who entered the council with a specific agenda. Based on findings, the authors of the article offer recommendations for improving the material and resource provision of councils and providing quotas for attracting experts and researchers from regional universities and research centers to increase the potential of regional councils.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Empirical tools for assessing the level of well-being and poverty of the population (the experience of Uzbekistan) 2024-04-30T11:53:10+00:00 Kh.T. Khusanova <p>This article analyzes the empirical tools for assessing the well-being and poverty levels of the population in Uzbekistan for further improvement of the social protection system. The article promotes the relevance of improving the effectiveness of social protection through a critical and analytical study of existing experience and identification of problem points in this area. The task of sociological research was to develop practical recommendations for improving the sociological assessment and monitoring of factors of the effectiveness of the poverty reduction and social protection system in Uzbekistan. The representativeness of the study is ensured on the basis of a random sample of a systematic nature. The following methods were used for field research: expert assessment and online questionnaires. As part of the expert assessment, more than 70 experts and practitioners in the field of poverty reduction and social protection of the population were interviewed. More than 1,200 representatives participated in the online survey.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Research on adultery 2024-03-06T06:30:41+00:00 A.R. Mandykaeva R.T. Alimbaeva D.A. Zhanserikova G.B. Kapbasova <p>The article will be devoted to the theoretical and practical study of the relationship between spouses in marriage, the establishment of roles and responsibilities in everyday life, mutual decision-making, leisure planning, family budget management, the establishment of a system of shared values, etc. The institution of the family occupies a special place in society and for every person, the constantly growing instability of marital relations in its composition is an urgent problem that foreign and domestic scientists are currently paying attention to.</p> <p>In addition to the joy of reaching a new level of relations, the marriage union includes tests for the maturity of newlyweds who have to live under the new system. Of the many problems in marriage, the problem of infidelity may be the most serious. Even at all times, fidelity was considered the highest value of marriage. Although a loving marriage is an ideal that many couples strive for, in many societies love is not a requirement of marriage. However, love is an important component of marriage, often the only motive for its creation. Therefore, betrayal can lead to a serious crisis or even to the disintegration of the family.</p> <p>In addition to knowing about the causes, circumstances and consequences of infidelity, the properties of the spouse associated with the likelihood of infidelity, as well as the feelings and emotions of the spouse causing the state of infidelity, we also organize an experimental study to get answers to questions about how modern families are connected with the fact of infidelity, using psychodiagnostic methods aimed at determining the relationship of men and women to adultery, we conducted an analysis based on the obtained research data.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Analysis of the concept of happiness in social sciences 2023-12-05T04:51:52+00:00 A.Zh Kunanbayeva A.I. Garber G.Zh. Menlibekova <p>In the scientific article, the author reviewed psychological theories by conducting a historical analysis of the phenomenon of "happiness". It is established that the phenomenon of "happiness" in psychological science is constantly discussed in the conclusions of scientists on hedonism and eudenomism by two main scientific approaches. In addition, many factors that currently affect happiness were put forward by the American sociologist and political scientist Ronald Inglehart, basing his global values on the conclusions of research work.</p> <p>The research methods used were desk research, a review of scientific papers, theoretical and methodological analysis, secondary data analysis. The main information of the article consists of various theories and scientific approaches and modern research works related to the phenomenon of "happiness" in psychological science.</p> <p>The conclusion of the article states that the concepts of "happiness" and "well-being" are concepts that still complement each other in psychological science. We came to the conclusion that people evaluate happiness objectively and subjectively, hedonistically and eudemonistically.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Features of military personnel prone to autodestructive behavior 2023-11-23T10:09:05+00:00 R.E. Tilmagambetova Zh.T. Utaliуeva A.S. Mambetalina <p>This study examines the most important problem of autodestructive behavior among military personnel. The main focus is on the psychological factors that contribute to this behavior. Despite extensive research in the field of military psychology, there is no comprehensive understanding of the specific psychological traits associated with autodestructive tendencies. This study aims to bridge this gap by examining individual psychological characteristics. The study was conducted with the participation of 10 selected active military personnel from various units. Questionnaires, standardized psychological tests and semi-structured interviews were used. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data revealed high levels of stress, depression and anxiety among the participants, correlating with impulsivity and autodestructive behavior.</p> <p>Key findings include the significant role of stress, depressive symptoms, anxiety and impulsivity in the development of autodestructive behavior. Military personnel with traumatic experience, especially in combat, have demonstrated a higher propensity for such behavior. The interview highlighted the impact of direct combat and traumatic experiences on psychological well-being.</p> <p>This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the self-destructive behavior of military personnel and provides a basis for the development of effective prevention and support strategies, emphasizing the importance of a multi-level approach that takes into account psychological, social and biological factors.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Manifestation of ethnic revival through national elements in clothing 2024-02-21T10:29:25+00:00 A.A. Issakhanova <p>This article is devoted to the signs of the manifestation of ethnic revival through national symbols in the elements of clothing of modern Kazakh society. The object of the study is Kazakhstanis living in the city of Astana, the age of the study participants: 16 - 30 years, which corresponds to the age qualification of the youth of the republic in the law on youth. The purpose of the study: to study the semantic features of the use of national symbols in the clothes of modern Kazakh youth.</p> <p>To achieve the purpose of the study, an applied empirical study was conducted using the Google Forms. Based on the theoretical analysis and analysis of the data obtained on this study, it was concluded that the ethnic revival of modern Kazakh society manifests itself vividly through the use of national symbols in the clothes of Kazakhstanis, for self-identification, self-manifestation and the construction of their own image with distinctive characteristics. This phenomenon of self-determination and demonstration of one's ethnic uniqueness is a transformation of Kazakh society due to changes in the standards of successful socialization of young people through the adoption of ethnic characteristics, new ideas and an increase in the importance of ethno-cultural values, ethnic self-identification manifested in interaction, the choice of external attributes emphasizing uniqueness and ethnicity.</p> <p>The analysis of the manifestation of ethnic revival through symbolic images used in clothing today is one of the important elements of the study of the peculiarities of social interaction in the country, not only for Kazakhstani researchers but also for foreign colleagues focused on the peculiarities of the development and change of social groups.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Features of personnel management in the conditions of economic crisis 2024-02-22T09:14:21+00:00 M.N. Abdykalikova <p>In human resource management (HR), loyalty is an important issue and, therefore, "a serious problem for many organizations. Uncontrolled staff turnover can have serious consequences for companies. This problem is especially acute during the crisis. The introduction of loyalty measures is especially relevant when there are many job offers and employees can easily find an alternative position. The object of the study is to study the use of the loyalty tool as a mechanism for preventing and regulating crisis situations. For this purpose, methods were used: comparative and statistical analysis, formal-logical, functional and process approach to research, as well as methods of studying documentation and information materials, SWOT analysis, etc. Research results: in the long term and to prepare for economic recovery, organizations realize the importance of retaining their personnel, mainly high-potential and key people, for their survival in a competitive market. This way they can maintain their skills, as well as increase the satisfaction and loyalty of their employees. Then the relationship between the loyalty of human resources and the effectiveness of the organization becomes clearer: loyalty ensures better company performance, maintaining competitive advantages, better quality of personnel management by optimizing personnel management costs and reducing social dysfunction.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. The study of value orientations of modern Kazakhstani youth as the main determinant of a changing person in a changing world 2024-03-19T10:51:40+00:00 O.Kh. Aimaganbetova N.S. Zhubanazarova E.T. Adilova B.D. Zhigitbekova <p>Despite the strengthening of the world globalization processes accompanied by the development of individualistic values and devaluation of basic values, today we witness that contrary to this there is a strengthening of universal values, primarily related to the increase of spirituality in general. In our opinion, this paradox is caused, first of all, by the events that are taking place in the world today - coronovirus, military actions unleashed by Russia, various natural cataclysms and others. This leads not only to the actualization of the study of value orientations, but also to a change in the paradigm of their research. The study of the peculiarities of value orientations of modern youth is of particular importance, since it is demanded by the actual requirements of the social situation of development of the changing personality of the new generation, formed at the turn of the century - XX and XXI, having no experience of Soviet education and upbringing.</p> <p>Object of the research: students studying at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.</p> <p>Empirical base of the study: Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. The study involved 131 students (1-4 courses) studying at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science (FPS).</p> <p>The conducted research showed that modern Kazakhstani students (by the example of students of KazNU named after Al-Farabi) have developed more values of Self-Transcendence (Self-Transcendence), including universalism and kindness. The formed values fully manifest themselves in the sphere of moral consciousness, moral actions and personal moral (spiritual) properties, which is confirmed by statistically revealed interrelations.</p> <p>The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results reflect, on the one hand, the formation and ongoing transformation of values in modern youth, on the other hand - the conflict between the way things should be and the way they want to be, what guidelines are set by external social reality. Consequently, the value orientations of modern Kazakhstani students are conditioned by the social situation of development of a changing personality in a changing world.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology series. Current trends in the development of new models of tutoring and mentoring 2024-04-30T10:51:42+00:00 L.А. Grigorovich O.G. Valayeva <p>The article updates the mentoring issues and models, defines the specifics of mentoring in the digital society, shows the connection between tutoring and mentoring, illustrates the model of tutor-psychological support for students, and describes the mentor educational program.</p> <p>Mentoring as a social phenomenon fits into a wide social spectrum and interfaces with other phenomena and processes. This article defines the functions of a tutor and a mentor. The position of a tutor in college includes the functions of a psychologist, social worker, group supervisor, and mentor. When developing the model of complex support of student's educational and professional development, the key principles are taken into account, such as creation of conditions for involvement of students in the development of their own active position as a subject not only of the educational process, but also of the process of life activity; assistance to students in the implementation of value choices, personal self-determination; taking into account the needs and interests of the student in the educational space of the college.</p> <p>The article defines the tasks of tutoring and psychological support to help students adapt to a new stage of education and develop the necessary learning actions, including in the digital environment; to clarify the professional choice and trajectory of professional development; to maintain and develop educational and professional motivation of the subjects of the educational process. The analysis of the college's activity on the implementation of the projects "Sustainable Development Zone" and "Territory of Development and Well-being" is presented. The purpose of the Tutoring and Psychological Support Centre is professional support in the digital environment: from the organisation of online educational work to psychological education; supervision and intervision.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024