Cross-cultural aspect of the formation of gender identity of women in Kazakhstan

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gender self-consciousness, gender identity, stereotypes, gender-role family models, tolerance, introversion


The study is aimed at studying the cultural specifics of women’s gender consciousness as an
integral psychological formation in the unity of all components representing its cognitive, emotional and
behavioral levels. These components were: the content of gender identity and gender stereotypes of women;
attitude to identity, types of attitudes towards gender roles in the family, the ratio of gender tolerance and
intolerance, the level of formation of gender consciousness among Kazakhstani women. A hypothesis was
put forward about the cultural determination of the formation of women’s gender consciousness on three
subsequent stages - cognitive, emotional and behavioral. In the conditions of multi-ethnicity of Kazakhstan,
two samples of respondents were identified - women of the Kazakh ethnic group and other ethnic groups.
The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis put forward and made it possible to determine cultural
differences and features of women’s gender identity in two samples. The presented article presents data
from an empirical study of the content of gender identity and gender stereotypes of women using the
Kuhn-Mcartland test and the S Bem gender-role questionnaire modified by I. S. Kletsina.


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How to Cite

Duanayeva С., Shomanbayeva, A., Ussenova , . A., Berdibayeva С., & Kulzhabayeva Л. (2023). Cross-cultural aspect of the formation of gender identity of women in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 144(3), 313–325. Retrieved from


