Studying attitudes towards gender role models of family in the structure of gender self-awareness of Kazakhstani women

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  • S.Ye. Duanayeva КазНУ им ал-Фараби
  • А.О. Shomanbayeva
  • B.Sh. Baizhumanova
  • А.М. Ussenova
  • D.B. Yeshenkulova


family's genfamily's gender role models, traditional and egalitarian forms of family, Kazakhstani women, gender identity, ethno-psychological determination


The research presents the results of the study of ethno-psychological aspects of
Kazakhstani women’s gender self-awareness. This phenomenon is shown as an integral
psychological formation with 3 components: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral. We have
researched the cognitive component through the content of women’s gender identity and
common stereotypes. The emotional component is through the study of such a psychological
variable as attitude towards identity. We determined the behavioral component of gender selfawareness through the variable of attitude types towards family’s gender roles, as well as the
ratio of gender tolerance and intolerance, and the level of formation of gender self-awareness
among Kazakhstani women.
We have formed a hypothesis about the ethno-psychological determination of the structure of
women’s gender self-awareness.
In the process of the study, two samples of respondents were identified in a multi-ethnic
environment - Kazakh women and other ethnic groups. In this article, gender attitudes as
availability for a certain family gender-role model are studied under the influence of cultural
specifics, namely ethnic culture. Attitudes were studied using a test of attitudes towards the
distribution of family roles, developed by Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman and E.M. Dubovskaya.



How to Cite

Duanayeva, S., Shomanbayeva А., Baizhumanova , B., Ussenova А., & Yeshenkulova, D. (2023). Studying attitudes towards gender role models of family in the structure of gender self-awareness of Kazakhstani women. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 145(4), 273–281. Retrieved from


