Training of future social workers based on competence-based methodology

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pedagogical skills, vocational and educational training, social work, components, criteria, indicators, model, structural elements.


The article analyzes the process of preparing a future social worker for professional activity, taking into account the trends in the development of modern educational technologies in Kazakhstan and abroad. The purpose, main directions and ideas of scientific research are the analysis of the scientific results of experimental work carried out at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the formation of a future social worker. The article discusses innovative pedagogical technologies, approaches to teaching, knowledge acquisition and assessment based on competence-based methodology in the training of a future specialist. The main results and analysis, conclusions of the research work will allow to identify and substantiate the basic pedagogical conditions that ensure the successful formation of professional and pedagogical readiness of the personality of a social worker. This study makes a significant contribution to the field of education by: The contribution of this work to the relevant field of knowledge is the necessity to transition to a multilevel system of higher professional education with an emphasis on practice-orientation. While there is a need to strengthen the "practical orientation", it is important to ensure that the theoretical level of students' training is not weakened. The use of interactive teaching methods ensures the successful mastery of all elements of learning, including knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities. The competence approach to the learning process allows the student to become erudite, to have knowledge and experience.


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How to Cite

Minzhanov, N., Minzhanova, G., Okashev , R., Isina, . S., & Kossybaev, Z. (2024). Training of future social workers based on competence-based methodology. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 147(2), 121–132. Retrieved from


