Psychological and pedagogical support of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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  • Zh.Sh. Baktybayev
  • A.Sh. Kapanova


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, diagnostics, psychological and pedagogical support.


The article defines the meaning and significance of psychological and pedagogical support
for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Also, in all children’s educational institutions
belonging to the modern system of inclusive education, attention should be paid to a full-fledged
education, an educational environment comfortable for the child, and rapid socialization of the child in
this environment.
The lack of a principled, generalized consideration of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, delayed
diagnosis, timely medical, psychological, pedagogical support, assistance, and correctional work lead to
many problems associated with late onset. This is because this syndrome primarily leads to the inability of
the child to adapt to his environment, society, and tension in family relationships.
The experimental study aims to study the features and possibilities of correcting the manifestations
of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in primary school children with the help of a program of
psychological and pedagogical support.  The study devoted to the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of children with attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder emphasizes the importance, little research and relevance of studying this
problem in our country.
In the course of the study, work was carried out on the defining, forming and final stages using the
methodology “criteria for identifying hyperactivity in a child” (P. Baker and M. Alvord),”questionnaire
for parents and teachers” (E. P. Bryazgunov and E. V. Kasatikova), the test “mixed lines”. According to the
results of the study, it is proved that the program of psychological and pedagogical support for children
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is effective.
The study determines the need for psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, their parents and teachers, and the results of an experimental study
determine the possibilities of correcting the manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.



How to Cite

Baktybayev Ж. ., & Kapanova А. . (2023). Psychological and pedagogical support of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 145(4), 49–57. Retrieved from


