Effective ways to develop creativity in an individual

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  • E.K. Borankulov


This article highlights the interrelated parts of creative ability. The concepts and stages of
the formation of creative thinking are formulated. The skills shown by a teacher with creative potential are
Creativity is one of the components of a creative personality and does not depend on erudition. People
with a high level of creativity are called creatives.
In the manifestation of creativity, or rather divergent thinking, which is the basis of creativity, the role
of the genetic factor, unlike the environmental one, is small. The main features characteristic of creative personalities are conscientiousness, responsibility, perseverance, sense of duty, high control over behavior
and emotions, determination, enterprise, risk-taking, social courage, etc.
Creativity is an activity thatresults in the creation of new material and spiritual values. Being essentially
a cultural and historical phenomenon, creativity has a psychological aspect: personal and procedural
Creative thinking – before starting each case, think extensively about information about the same
individual action, come up with ideas, and images, fantasize about ghosts, and combine them with your
own knowledge, giving birth to a new creation that is not like another.



How to Cite

Borankulov Е. . (2023). Effective ways to develop creativity in an individual. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 143(2), 37–43. Retrieved from https://bulpedps.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/374


