Vol. 143 No. 2 (2023)
Full Issue
Intellectual competence development of future specialists in the process of psychological and pedagogical training
Views: 294 / PDF downloads: 290 -
THE ROLE The role of risk management to ensure the quality of educational process in higher education institutions
Views: 164 / PDF downloads: 177 -
Strategic management of the quality of students’ knowledge at Abai university in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Views: 139 / PDF downloads: 155 -
Effective ways to develop creativity in an individual
Views: 290 / PDF downloads: 1211 -
First-year students’ problems affecting adaptation to a public university in Kazakhstan
Views: 157 / PDF downloads: 200 -
Didactic bases of formation and systematization of the content of the training course ‘Preparation for Competition’
Views: 132 / PDF downloads: 259 -
Activity-competence approach for designing the content of practice-oriented learning
Views: 155 / PDF downloads: 175 -
Formation of inclusive competence of the future social pedagogue
Views: 135 / PDF downloads: 247 -
Opportunities to prepare teachers for distance learning
Views: 161 / PDF downloads: 326 -
Organizational and methodological support of the educational program «Russian Language and Literature»
Views: 188 / PDF downloads: 247 -
Development of environmental competence of students through facilitation technology
Views: 172 / PDF downloads: 273 -
Development of speech skills of preschool children by the method of plasticineography
Views: 334 / PDF downloads: 454 -
Experience of creating videos as an independent work of students on the example of natural science disciplines
Views: 239 / PDF downloads: 440 -
Аdaptation of research methods of tolerance to uncertainty into the Kazakh language
Views: 164 / PDF downloads: 170 -
Using the potential of natural science collections of museums in pedagogical activity
Views: 104 / PDF downloads: 203 -
Digital socialization of students in the conditions of professional training
Views: 144 / PDF downloads: 132 -
Use of STEM innovative methods in Chemistry lessons with the implementation of intersubject communications
Views: 387 / PDF downloads: 1221 -
Use of interactive technologies in online teaching of organic chemistry to students
Views: 136 / PDF downloads: 378 -
Situational tasks in the study of chemistry by students of nonchemical specialties
Views: 133 / PDF downloads: 197 -
Opportunities for the development of soft skills in the professional training of social educators
Views: 200 / PDF downloads: 1170 -
Formation of personal qualities of students using mixed learning technologies in chemistry lessons
Views: 121 / PDF downloads: 520 -
Understanding the development of higher education in Soviet Kazakhstan
Views: 296 / PDF downloads: 208 -
The role of interpersonal and intergroup forgiveness in a historical context
Views: 122 / PDF downloads: 128
The state and ways of studying psychological well-being and quality of life of young women
Views: 143 / PDF downloads: 193 -
Psychophysiological aspects of a child’s adaptation to school
Views: 147 / PDF downloads: 642 -
Гендерная государственная политика: актуальные проблемы развития психологической науки Казахстана
Views: 162 / PDF downloads: 386 -
Remote model of socialization (psychological analysis)
Views: 165 / PDF downloads: 0 / PDF downloads: 110 -
Historical sketch of the development of psychometry and pedagogical measurements in China in the 20th century
Views: 159 / PDF downloads: 266 -
Communicative and organizational interaction as a tool of social intelligence
Views: 203 / PDF downloads: 165
Assessment and monitoring of poverty and living standards in Kazakhstan
Views: 241 / PDF downloads: 471 -
Experimental methods in sociology used in sensitive questions: List experiment example
Views: 165 / PDF downloads: 280 -
Adaptation of foreign students to the Kazakh university
Views: 136 / PDF downloads: 297 -
Improving the well-being of the population in Central Asia: a comparative analysis
Views: 140 / PDF downloads: 377 -
Challenges and needs of women in prison: a study on social and health factors
Views: 170 / PDF downloads: 147