Formation of personal qualities of students using mixed learning technologies in chemistry lessons

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  • B.B. Shagraeva
  • N.T. Shertaeva Южно-Казахстанский государственный педагогический университет
  • G.E. Tuimebaeva
  • M.Zh. Duisembiev


Түйін сөздер: аралас оқыту, ақпараттық және коммуникациялық технологиялар, өзіндік жұмыс, танымдық белсенділік, трансформация, актуализация, индивидуализация, Интернет-ресурстар.


With mixed learning technology, the content of students’ personal activity in learning is not
only knowledge, the following pedagogical conditions are implemented in the organization of training:
setting goals, implementing students’ personal qualities and its reflection take place in an open educational
The article considers a model of the development of cognitive activity of learning aimed at personal
qualities of a person. The development model includes: a new diagnostic tool, its role, content, methods,
forms and means of teaching; new criteria for choosing teaching methods: the level of cognitive activity
of students and learning conditions in the classroom; polymodal training based on the comprehensive
implementation of the principle of visibility, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.
The components of methodological support for the organization of individual activities of students during
training using mixed learning technology are determined. The set of personal qualities characterizing their
interrelation and creative self-realization is revealed. Based on the results of the pedagogical experiment,
scientific and practical recommendations were developed for the design and implementation of individual
activities of students in mixed learning



How to Cite

Shagraeva Б., Shertaeva Н., Tuimebaeva . Г., & Duisembiev М. (2023). Formation of personal qualities of students using mixed learning technologies in chemistry lessons. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 143(2), 294–305. Retrieved from


