The study of value orientations of modern Kazakhstani youth as the main determinant of a changing person in a changing world

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values, value orientations, modern Kazakhstani students, self-transcendence, moral and spiritual properties, etc.


Despite the strengthening of the world globalization processes accompanied by the development of individualistic values and devaluation of basic values, today we witness that contrary to this there is a strengthening of universal values, primarily related to the increase of spirituality in general. In our opinion, this paradox is caused, first of all, by the events that are taking place in the world today - coronovirus, military actions unleashed by Russia, various natural cataclysms and others. This leads not only to the actualization of the study of value orientations, but also to a change in the paradigm of their research. The study of the peculiarities of value orientations of modern youth is of particular importance, since it is demanded by the actual requirements of the social situation of development of the changing personality of the new generation, formed at the turn of the century - XX and XXI, having no experience of Soviet education and upbringing.

Object of the research: students studying at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Empirical base of the study: Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. The study involved 131 students (1-4 courses) studying at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science (FPS).

The conducted research showed that modern Kazakhstani students (by the example of students of KazNU named after Al-Farabi) have developed more values of Self-Transcendence (Self-Transcendence), including universalism and kindness. The formed values fully manifest themselves in the sphere of moral consciousness, moral actions and personal moral (spiritual) properties, which is confirmed by statistically revealed interrelations.

The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results reflect, on the one hand, the formation and ongoing transformation of values in modern youth, on the other hand - the conflict between the way things should be and the way they want to be, what guidelines are set by external social reality. Consequently, the value orientations of modern Kazakhstani students are conditioned by the social situation of development of a changing personality in a changing world.




How to Cite

Aimaganbetova, O., Zhubanazarova, N., Adilova, E., & Zhigitbekova, B. (2024). The study of value orientations of modern Kazakhstani youth as the main determinant of a changing person in a changing world. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 146(1), 350–364. Retrieved from


