The specifics of working with the teaching class in the context of education profiling

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  • N. Stukalenko NCJS "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
  • D. Lepeshev NCJS “Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
  • L. Navij NCJS "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
  • D. Doskenova NCJS “Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Kokshetau, Kazakhstan


The article deals with the core problem of organizing work with the teaching class in the context of education profiling, taking into account the modern requirements of specialized training. The psychological and pedagogical assistance in the professional choice of high school students who have to decide on their future profession, choose the necessary subjects for final exams and an educational institution for future professional training is studied. It is noted that one of the key obstacles to the professional self-determination of adolescents is ignorance of all existing professions. Within the framework of this article, a description of the solution to this issue is given.

The article reveals the essential characteristics of the profilization of education, provides an analysis of professional self-determination based on modern scientific psychological and pedagogical literature. Within the framework of the research, professional self-determination is interpreted as the process of forming a person's attitude to professional activity and the way it is implemented through the coordination of personal and socio-professional needs.

This article presents the findings of the experimental project "Pedagogical class" implemented by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov for three years. The authors emphasize the need for a systematic and integrated approach to career guidance, taking into account individual characteristics, cultural and regional contexts, as well as modern requirements for vocational training. The analysis of the work on the implementation of the experimental project "Pedagogical Class" allows us to conclude that it is necessary to further develop the pedagogical profiling of students based on the application of new approaches, methods, forms of organization and techniques.

Author Biography

L. Navij, NCJS "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", Kokshetau, Kazakhstan

candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology, NPLC Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov




How to Cite

Stukalenko, N., Lepeshev, D., Navij, L., & Doskenova , D. (2024). The specifics of working with the teaching class in the context of education profiling. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 149(4), 60–75. Retrieved from


