Possibilities of using digital education in the pedagogical and psychological service

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  • Т. Khassenkyzy КазГУ им. аль-Фараби
  • A.S. Akramova


pedagogical and psychological service, digital technologies, digitalization of pedagogical and psychological services, digital educational opportunities, pedagogical and psychological mobile applications.


The article discusses the features of conducting pedagogical and psychological activities
through digital education. In particular, comparing the level of Kazakhstan in the transition to digitalization
with the world level, digital technologies, electronic means, systems, devices, in general, the nature of
resources and information affecting all spheres of people’s lives are differentiated. The importance of
digital creativity in digital education and their types are classified and shown. With a comprehensive
understanding of the concept of pedagogical and psychological activity, its main directions and model
are given. In addition, leading psychological mobile applications and platforms that can contribute to
the digital organization of pedagogical and psychological activities are identified and their features are
analyzed. In order to know the thoughts of graduates regarding the digitalization of the pedagogical and
psychological service, a survey is conducted, and the results of the survey are presented using diagrams.
In the final part of the article, several recommendations are given on the part of the author for the optimal
digitalization of the pedagogical and psychological service.



How to Cite

Khassenkyzy Т., & Akramova А. . (2023). Possibilities of using digital education in the pedagogical and psychological service. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 145(4), 229–249. Retrieved from https://bulpedps.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/362


