The importance of professional training of future teachers on the basis of dual training (experience of Germany and Kazakhstan)

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  • A. Smanova M.H. Dulati Taraz University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • K. Sarybekova M.H. Dulati Taraz University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • E. Aitenova M.H. Dulati Taraz University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • Zh. Sarybekova International Taraz Innovative Institute named after Sherkhan Murtaza, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • S. Koshimbetova Astana international university, Astana, Kazakhstan


The article discusses the three-step problem of professional training of future teachers in the dual education system in Germany. A comparative analysis of the system of professional training of future teachers in the country will also be carried out. Based on this, the models of duality in the German system of training future teachers and its features are determined. The situation with the introduction of elements of dual training in the vocational education system of Kazakhstan will be described. Based on the analysis of the duality model in the system of training future teachers in Germany, scientific and methodological recommendations on the introduction of elements of dual training in the process of higher pedagogical education in Kazakhstan have been developed.

In the course of the study, we analyzed the process of professional training of future teachers in Germany. The first feature is that, based on its regulatory documents, professional training of future teachers is carried out not by specialties, but by Types. For example, the problem of training teachers of Type 6 was shown.

A comparative analysis of traditional and dual training in Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan was also cconducted, as well as data on the introduction of elements of dual training aimed at changing the ideological and functional-didactic structure of the educational process in higher educational institutions were studied. Thus, it made it possible to draw conclusions by identifying the elements of dual training, which are reflected in the professional training of future teachers in Germany and Kazakhstan.




How to Cite

Smanova, A., Sarybekova, K., Aitenova, E. ., Sarybekova , Z. ., & Koshimbetova , S. . (2024). The importance of professional training of future teachers on the basis of dual training (experience of Germany and Kazakhstan). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 149(4), 49–59. Retrieved from


