Some results of curriculum analysis in preschool education

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curriculum, competences, skills, competency framework, lessons


The article is dedicated to solving modern important problems in the field of preschool pedagogy. At the pre-school education level, learning is focused on specific content areas and the curriculum is designed to provide different skills and competencies through domains of learning. Required skills and competences have been developed in the Handbook of Preschool Education Curriculum and its implementation, based on the domains of learning in kindergartens. The competencies defined in the Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes (MELQO) that required to be acquired by preschool children were reviewed and the competences included in the Mongolian curriculum were also analyzed in comparison with MELQO. Learning outcomes and competencies were defined in the preschool education curriculum in Mongolia, which are incorporated in domains of learning in kindergartens. Those learning outcomes and competences are found to be relatively consistent when compared with MELQO. However, the results of the analysis showed that some competence\skills, such as moral values and learning approaches need to be formulated, and implemented in the curriculum in accordance with the characteristics of the national culture, and heritage of the country. This study presents some results of competence analysis of the preschool curriculum of Mongolia compared to international competences.




How to Cite

Hari, S., & Dorji , S. (2024). Some results of curriculum analysis in preschool education. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 147(2), 52–62. Retrieved from