Prerequisites for the preparation of future primary class teachers for professional-creative activity

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primary school, teacher, pedagogical training, creativity, professional and creative activity, creative activity, professional training, professional and creative skills.


The article discusses the current aspects of the training of future primary school teachers, various approaches and research in the field of general pedagogical creativity and teacher training for professional and creative activities. Theoretical studies and the current state of readiness of practicing primary school teachers for professional and creative activity are analyzed. Statistical data obtained by questioning teachers in order to determine the level of their readiness to implement professional and creative activities are presented. Based on the analysis of the current state of readiness of primary school teachers for professional and creative activity, the relevance of the problem of creative activity for most teachers is substantiated and the main issues requiring study in this direction are formulated. It also describes the revealed interest of teachers in expanding their knowledge, skills and the desire to develop skills of professional and creative competence. It is noted that there are many problems that require further study, such as: conditions for organizing effective professional and creative activities of participants in the educational process, establishing optimal feedback with students by means of new technologies; correction of teachers’ actions when working in a modern educational environment, critical assessment of behavior, formation of independence and creative skills of teachers in the development of educational tasks; effective application of professionalism and creative competencies, communication and involvement of students in the organization of group work and project activities with students, prospects for their development are described.


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How to Cite

Ahmetsapa А., Zholtayeva Г., & Abuhanova А. (2023). Prerequisites for the preparation of future primary class teachers for professional-creative activity. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology Series., 144(3), 24–36. Retrieved from


